
Why You Need a Self-Care Plan in 2024

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Happy New Year, y’all! Now, before I get into this post I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported me this year and since the very beginning. I am truly thankful. This year has been one of true transformation for me; I learned a lot and changed a lot and you guys stuck it out with me…thank you! One of the things I walked away with this year was a new appreciation for making time to take care of myself regardless of what phase of life I am in. 

It’s true what they say: if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else.

Out of all the holidays, New Year’s is probably my favorite for the simple fact that I love new beginnings. There is something about a fresh start that makes me feel like anything is possible. Before we all set our New Year’s goals in stone, I wanted to talk about why self-care NEEDS to be included in your goals for 2024 and a few ways you can go about making room for it.

So, let’s talk about something real for a sec – how often do you actually take a breather and show yourself some love? I mean, I get it. Life is nuts, and finding time for self-care can be a real challenge. But guess what? It’s crucial, and you deserve it.

I’ve tried to up my self-care game this year, throwing in some new hobbies and a few girls trips – you know, the essentials. But truth be told, it’s still a bit of a struggle to make it a priority, even with all the chaos of everyday life, crazy work hours, and barely any time for ourselves.

Whenever I feel the need for a timeout, my mind immediately goes to a spa day. Classic move, right? But over the years, I’ve realized that self-care is more than just a massage and a facial. It’s up there with family time and work – a top-tier priority.

So, what exactly is self-care? At its core, it’s any action or choice that fulfills your physical, spiritual, or emotional needs. It’s all those little things we do to avoid a meltdown in any of these areas. And trust me, I’m always on the lookout for ways to self-improve. That’s why I decided to create a self-care plan – a go-to guide for when I feel myself slipping into a funk.

Now, why bother with a self-care plan? Well, it’s a game-changer for your overall well-being, stress management, and long-term health. We often let self-care slide to the bottom of the to-do list when life goes crazy, right? It’s the first thing we sacrifice because, in the midst of chaos, it doesn’t seem as important as all the other “fires” that need putting out. The problem is, we end up substituting the important with the urgent way more than we should, and it takes a toll on our lives – exhaustion, burnout, lack of focus, you name it.

So, let’s get real about it. Take some time to get to know yourself and figure out what your mind, body, and soul need to function at their best. Identify activities that support your well-being, and boom, you’ve got the makings of a customized self-care plan.

Creating one is a lot easier than you might think. First, write down things you value and need daily – your morning coffee ritual, a morning meditation, or an evening fitness class. Then, think about what makes you happy or fulfills you emotionally but isn’t a daily must-do – learning a new hobby, decluttering your closet, or conquering that pantry cleanup (yes, do it!). And yes, a mani-pedi can make the cut, but let’s think outside the box.

I’m all about picking one thing from my mental to-do list and getting it done – surprisingly satisfying! Break down your self-care plan into daily and weekly activities. Think of seven different life categories – physical, psychological, financial, social, professional, emotional, and spiritual – and ensure you’re addressing each.

Consider how you’re tackling these areas and brainstorm ways to improve. Some will be more crucial than others, but balancing your physical needs with your professional and psychological ones daily is key. More balance equals better productivity, well-being, and resilience when life gets crazy.

Once you have your list, put your plan into action. I mostly use paper planning, but if you are more of a digital planner person that works just as well, scheduling my self-care items in a checklist format. It’s not always perfect, but taking action is what matters. Be conscious about investing in yourself. By writing down what contributes to your self-care, you’re committing to putting your happiness and well-being first. And trust me, we all need a bit more of that.

So, what’s going in your self-care plan? Already got a routine and didn’t even realize it? Share your thoughts!

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